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PE material has great potential in plastic film industry


Time: 2017-02-17

The world's


Analysis of the consumer market shows that about 50 percent of consumer spending is in the United States


Industry, so packaging is a very important area. In the plastic film industry is the main PE film material.


The first trend in thin-film packaging is the need to extend the storage time, the second is recyclable, and the third is biodegradable. In the past, because the pace of life is not so fast, we have a lot of time to buy things, so the demand for packaging is not so high, now it is on the contrary, because of the fast pace of life, so everyone in the market to buy things, spending less time shopping, in fact, when consumer is buying is to buy the product not only, more is on packaging, so you need to packaging to attract consumers.


This is also the development trend of the packaging industry. Before, metal packaging is used, but now film packaging has many advantages. The first is to save energy, and the second is to reduce weight. This is the packaging film requirements, with the packaging products are not the same, the requirements of oxygen and water are not the same, so that the fruit packaging can match. This is a five-layer composite film, which contains some high polymers. Generally, the two sides use the polymer with low polarity. Due to the great difference in polarity, the composite layer and the outer layer will easily fall off due to poor permeability, so better polymer materials are needed.


Small make up that the plastic film industry must firmly grasp the trend of industry development, the production of high-quality environmental protection film products, in order to comply with the trend of industry development, so that the development of the enterprise road more wide.

Shijiazhuang yuying new material technology co. LTD/

Changchun yinghan new material technology co. LTD

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