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Where is the way of Chinese plastics processing industry?


Time: 2017-02-17

In fact, there are many reasons affecting the development of the plastics processing industry, mainly from four dimensions to understand, first, at home and abroad, right


The demand for products is greatly reduced. Secondly, the domestic economic development speed is obviously reduced. Thirdly, the product structure of enterprises cannot keep up with the development demand of The Times. So how do companies get out of trouble?


First, corporate goals must change. Due to the increase of domestic investment in the past few years, China's economic development rate has been rising steadily. The plastics processing industry has enjoyed better development in the past few years.


Second, accelerate the pace of enterprise structure innovation and upgrading. The development of enterprises in the future cannot be separated from innovation, even in the plastic product processing industry, the current domestic demand for plastic products tends to reduce, so it must be converted.


Third, to prevent the situation of overcapacity, if there is a plastic processing industry overcapacity, the market will be obstacles, not only will affect the interests of enterprises, but also may affect the development of the industry, so in order to solve this problem, we must start from the source of production.


The plastic product processing industry has been a new industry for nearly 10 years, with a good market development potential and prospects. However, the development of the plastic product processing industry is a bottleneck for the development of enterprises. It still needs to be solved from its own perspective.


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