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The challenges facing the flame-retardant plastics industry


Time: 2017-02-17


Today's flame-retardant plastics face two challenges. On the one hand, some high-tech products (and even some consumer goods and construction products) require increasingly stringent fire safety standards; On the other hand, environmental regulations limit the selection of some bromine-based flame-retardant plastics, and the recycling of waste flame-retardant plastics is urgent. Fire safety standard for flame retardant plastics has provided a broad space for development, promote the continuous development of the flame retardant technology, and environmental rules will make a lot of designer and manufacturer products encountered unprecedented difficulties, especially for some critical applications in the field of plastic (such as high temperature resistant engineering plastics, automotive low fog soft foam plastics, printed circuit board with halogen free flame retardant plastics), at the same time, it is imperative to meet the requirements of flame retardant and two aspects of environmental protection.


At the same time, the lead-free materials used in the electronic and electrical industry and the miniaturization and thin-walled electronic composite components require more flame retardant plastics have good thermal stability, processing and anti-bubble performance, which also makes some traditional flame retardant plastics appear helpless.


Admittedly, solving these problems is a challenging technical challenge, but some progress is being made.

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