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Profits in the chemicals and products sector rose 4.9 percent in the first 11 months


Time: 2017-02-17



Net news: data released by the national bureau of statistics on December 27 shows that in january-november, the total profits of industrial enterprises above the national scale reached 5620.8 billion yuan, up by 5.3% year on year, and the growth rate dropped by 1.4 percentage points compared with january-october. The profit of main business activities reached 5294.45 billion yuan, up by 4.7% year on year, and the growth rate dropped by 1.3 percentage points from January to October.


In November, the total profit of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 676.12 billion yuan, down 4.2% year on year and 2.1 percentage points more than that in October.


From January to November, among industrial enterprises above designated size, the total profit of state-owned and state-holding enterprises reached 1309.67 billion yuan, down 3.5% year on year. Collective enterprises realized a total profit of 46.96 billion yuan, up by 2.3%. The total profit of joint-stock enterprises reached 3717.91 billion yuan, up by 3.8%. The total profit of foreign-funded enterprises and those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan reached 1373.23 billion yuan, up 10.3%. The total profit of private enterprises reached 1,906.51 billion yuan, an increase of 7.2 percent.


From January to November, the total profit of the mining industry reached 579.44 billion yuan, down 21.6% year on year. The total profit of the manufacturing industry reached 460.62 billion yuan, up by 9%. The total profit of the power, heat, gas and water production and supply industries was 435.16 billion yuan, up 16.2 percent.


From January to November, total profits of 33 industries in 41 industrial categories increased year on year, while the total profits of 8 industries decreased. Profit growth of major industries: total profit of agricultural and sideline food processing industry increased by 1.6% year on year, textile industry increased by 6.5%, and chemical industry

The raw material

Non-metallic mineral products rose 6.5 percent. Ferrous metal smelting and rolling rose 4.7 percent. Nonferrous metal smelting and rolling rose 9.3 percent


Manufacturing grew 9.3 percent, special-equipment manufacturing 0.5 percent, automobile manufacturing 16.7 percent, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing 15.1 percent, and computer, communications and telecommunications equipment manufacturing 15.1 percent


The manufacturing of electronic equipment grew by 20.7 percent, the production and supply of electricity and heat were up by 18.3 percent, coal mining and processing and processing were down by 44.4 percent, oil and natural gas were down by 13.2 percent, and oil processing, coking and nuclear fuel processing were down by 34.2 percent.


From January to November, the main business income of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 98,743.82 billion yuan, up 7.2% year on year. The cost of main business increased by 7.6% to 84827.98 billion yuan.


At the end of November, the receivables of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 10889.46 billion yuan, up 10.8% year on year. The inventory of finished products reached 3758.53 billion yuan, up 13.6%.


From January to November, the profit rate of main business income of industrial enterprises above the scale is 5.69%, the cost per hundred yuan of main business income is 85.91 yuan, the main business income per hundred yuan of assets is 123.5 yuan, and the number of days for inventory turnover of finished products is 13.6 days.

Shijiazhuang yuying new material technology co. LTD/

Changchun yinghan new material technology co. LTD

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