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Safety of flame retardants attracts attention


Flame retardants, functional additives that give flame retardancy to flammable polymers, are mainly designed for flame retardants of polymer materials. There are many types of flame retardants, which can be divided into additive flame retardants and reactive flame retardants according to their use methods.

At present, the safety of the production, use and recycling of flame retardants and flame retardant materials has attracted widespread attention from governments, enterprises and consumers worldwide. All manufacturers of flame retardants and flame retardant materials worldwide are committed to be responsible for the safety of their products and provide detailed and reliable information and information. At present, there are rules for the use of almost all flame retardants and flame retardant materials. As long as these rules are observed and effective preventive measures are taken, their safety to human health and the environment can be improved and guaranteed.

(1) Conduct a comprehensive toxicity assessment of suspected flame retardants harmful to human health and the environment, and strictly control their production, use and scorn. Once proven unsuitable for use, stop production and marketing. Tri (dibromopropyl) phosphate was once a widely used and very effective flame retardant. It was later found to be carcinogenic and has long been banned in many countries. Pentabromodiphenyl ether and octabromodiphenyl ether, which have been assessed as toxic flame retardants, have also been banned recently.

(2) For the newly developed flame retardant products, their effects on human health, safety and environment have been studied and evaluated comprehensively. More detailed information on these aspects can be provided to ensure the safety of production and use.

(3) On the one hand, efforts are being made to improve and improve the safety level of existing flame retardants and flame-retardant materials, on the other hand, efforts are being made to develop new environmentally friendly flame retardants (such as halogen-free flame retardants), and their use is being gradually promoted (such as the global halogen-free flame-retardant polypropylene has reached about 20% of the total flame-retardant polypropylene). It is believed that the development of new flame retardants will ensure the use of flame retardant materials, which can not only reduce fire hazards, but also minimize their impact on the environment.

Shijiazhuang yuying new material technology co. LTD/

Changchun yinghan new material technology co. LTD

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