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California Flame Retardant Label Requirements Will Come into Force


On September 30, 2014, the Governor of California signed the bill SB1019, which was formally passed. The bill requires mattress furniture to be labeled with flame retardants. The bill will enter into force on January 1, 2015.

According to the relevant requirements of the Act:

1. all soft polyurethane foam furniture or upholstered furniture sold in California, which meets the requirements of the TB117-2013 test, should be added with the following "flame retardant declarations" on their labels to show whether their products contain flame retardants.

"Padding materials in this product:

__ Flame Retardants Containing Additives

__ Flame retardant without additives

California has updated its flame retardant standards and determined that the product can meet fire safety requirements without adding flame retardants. The statement clearly identifies a number of common flame retardants or flame retardants considered to have a significant impact on human health or development.

2. The manufacturer of the above-mentioned products shall mark "X" in the corresponding blank of the "flame retardant declaration" to indicate whether the product has added flame retardant.

3. The "Flame Retardant Statement" shall meet the relevant labeling requirements specified in Part 1374.3 of Chapter IV of the California Regulations.

4. The manufacturer shall retain documents certifying the presence or absence of flame retardants in its products. Such documents may be provided by suppliers to verify the presence or absence of flame retardant paper certificates or test reports in various product components under TB117-2013 control.

5. If the California Bureau of Electronic Products and Electrical Maintenance, Furniture Decoration and Insulation (BEARHFTI) requests, the manufacturer shall provide the relevant documents to the BEARHFTI within 30 days to prove the correctness of the flame retardant Declaration on its product label.

Shijiazhuang yuying new material technology co. LTD/

Changchun yinghan new material technology co. LTD

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