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Flame retardant


Flame retardants, also known as flame retardants, refractories or fire retardants, are functional additives that give flame retardancy to flammable polymers. Mainly used in transportation, electronic and electrical equipment, furniture, buildings and building materials, we are inseparable from it every day. Computer circuit boards are coated with flame retardants, mobile phone plastic shells are coated with flame retardants, cinema and theatre seats and car seats are coated with flame retardants, office building exterior wall insulation materials are also coated with flame retardants.

According to experts'prediction, the flame retardant system with one of the following characteristics is likely to become a promising future high-efficiency flame retardant: it can inhibit the oxidation reaction of condensed phase; it has catalytic flame retardant effect; it can play an efficient role in gas phase flame retardant; it can produce an effective carbon layer or other flame retardant elements protective layer.

With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, safety and health, all countries in the world have begun to focus on the research, development and application of environmentally friendly flame retardants, and have achieved some results.

Shijiazhuang yuying new material technology co. LTD/

Changchun yinghan new material technology co. LTD

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Telephone:0311-89299985   18032822116(Shijiazhuang)    0432- 65077017  13351516123 (Changchun)

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